Heavy fog had just lifted and morning dew twinkled like jewels on every needle. My photo sings. I dared try to do it in paint. Nothing ventured, nothing gained …… but I will admit I didn’t achieve my goal. I think it needs a much more delicate touch. It might work if I spent three hours putting little tiny droplets of miskit on instead of blobs. Or maybe I should just admit that sometimes a photo works better than art .... and often art is better than the photo.
Oh, I think the fog and dew work very well here! Lovely sense of depth.
this painting is gorgeous, and delecate....and perfect. I'm glad I didn't see the photo first! I think if I did, however, I wouldn't like it as much as your painting.
I like this painting very much. I think your approach was very effective. Don't throw in the towel -- this needs to be appreciated!
I love it as it is. One of those that when I look I wonder how it could be any better. Great depth in here too.
I think you did achieve a specific goal you had in mind, but I do think you accomplished a goal of creating a lovely foggy, morning with a lot of depth and interesting passages of dark.
Have you consider using an Xacto knife to scatch out a few dew lights?
THat was suppose to say "I think you did achieve a specific goal, just NOT the one you had in mind."
FInger/brain dyslexia.
Lovely depth in this, Elva. I really like your style ; ).
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