I knew before I left for Yellowstone that I wanted to draw this. I have a pencil sketch of this idea in an old journal. So I brought with me a photo of the doe and then looked for the right aspen. I drew lightly in pencil first, then added ink with a 005 Micron Pigma pen.
Hi Elva,
Happened to come across this lovely blog.. I am fond of ink sketches too but havent tried one so far. this is a lovely piece you have done.. the minute details on the bark of the main tree truck is very eye catching!
It looks wonderful and so aptly titled! Love your trees.
Welcome back, Elva. You've managed to capture that sense of alertness in her posture. Lovely feel to this!
I have lived in Assam, where we came across a lot of deer. You have caught the shy alertness so well!
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