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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Painting #83 and #84 - Teri Casper

Both of these paintings are from Laure's Artful Journaling class which I am totally loving.  I had no intention of adding the top one but people on Flickr went crazy over it so it must be better than I think. lol

The water lilies are blooming on our lake right now.



irinasztukowski said...

I love how green blue and red were bleeding together in the fist piece's background. Such alternative colors and so looking good together.

The waterlilies are so gentle and so fresh!

Thank you,

brincrish said...

Teri, you got the vibrancy of both the blooms. I really love the first one...its so alive. and the water lilies look so natural as they float in the water.


Cette peinture me rappelle un travail que je viens de réaliser en Land Art. En France les Water Lilies se nomment les Nénuphars. Tu dois connaitre le grand maitre impressionniste Claude Monet, qui passa la fin de sa vie à peindre, ces fleurs, à qui il donnait le nom de Nymphéas.
Belle soirée à toi et bravo pour tes peintures et ton blog que je très très intéressant.
Best Wishes,

Sadia said...

Gorgeous colors and beautifully painted!