This didn't turn out as well as I hoped. When I read Laure Ferlita's blog tonight(www.paintedthoughtsblog.blogspot.com) I felt I was in good company .... making mud.
I experienced this lovely scene about a week ago. We stood on the rim of Crater Lake at sunset. Wildfire season is over, but the valleys are still filled with smoke ... this time from controlled burns and burning slash piles. The setting sun and the smoke in the air made for an fabulous series of mountain tops disappearing off into the distance.
I think I could capture what I saw with careful layers of acrylic. My watercolors didn't capture the purity of the scene.
I guess because I wasn't there I don't know what the scene "really" looked like, but I like the feel of this painting...especially the mountains as they fade away.
Your illusion of distance is wonderfully achieved Elva.
I think you underestimate what you've done here, Elva. It's a lovely painting!
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