Red-tailed Hawk # 39:
Drawn on location in Yellowstone National Park. A pair of red-tailed hawks had a nest off in the distance, too far away to draw. Often one came to sit on this broken off snag, near enough for me to drawn him with my binoculars.
Ink and watercolor in Stillman and Birn Sketchbook: 180# rough surface.

Storm Coming # 47
This storm caught my eye when we were returning to Yellowstone National Park after making a grocery run to Livingston, Montana. I like how sunlight still hit the mountain top while a dark cloud took over the valley. I sketched it in black and white in my journal and then tried to do justice to the scene after we got back to our cabin.
Painted on Fabriano Artistico cold Press watercolor paper, 140#

Foggy Morning # 48
We don't often get fog in Yellowstone. I think the air is normally too dry, but this morning everything disappeared into the fog. Two elk are coming over the rise.
Painted on Fabriano Artistico cold Press watercolor paper, 140#
Elva...I always enjoy seeing Yellowstone through your art. "Foggy Morning" really captures the feel of a foggy morning. Love the hawk!!! Very cool how the storm is sweeping through while the sun continues to shine.
Kelly Very beautiful pictures happy weekend Greetings from Creativity and imagination photos of Jose Ramon
A fun variety of sketches. I love how you capture the rain storm overtaking the sun. I love those moments.
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