Confession is good for the soul. I drew this little wrentit for my blog and inked too soon. Someone must have been playing pin-the-tail-on-the- donkey and put the tail in the wrong place.

But isn’t scanning wonderful. I added the new tail, painted, scanned and then, on the computer, erased the errant tail.
Oh, I just love the delicate line work on this beautiful little guy! Even the branch is full of life! I need to come take computer lessons from you, apparently--sounds like it would save a lot of grief for me ; )!
LOL, funny about the tail but what a beauty this little guy is.
Wow! Very good sketch and painting! Thank you for describing your process.
Technology at its finest! Love it!
Oh my gosh....this is gorgeous, and how cool that you were able to use technology to perfect it. I love how you ink and then fill in with watercolor. What size pen are you using? It looks to be a super fine point. I used to do lots of ink pointillism drawings (80s), but my pen nibs are nonfunctional now. I think I'd like to try it again.
Sweet portrait~
the details in your lines are wonderful and fun to hear how you were able to change this.
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