This funny little creature is painted way, way bigger than real life. I found him swimming in a local pond. The copepod is only about 1/8 inch long! I had to use a hand lens so I could see him well enough. He is still swimming around in my little dish. I plan to put him back into the wild tomorrow.
What an interesting creature. I can't say that I've ever seen them before - but who knows with their small size and my eyesight!!
You always post something interesting, Elva ; ). Love the detail and the watery background~~
Gee, that is sure small, I'm not sure I would even have spotted it.
Interesting creature.
Very cool! How on earth did you spot him? Great eye.... It makes me think of a creature out of a prehistoric sea--a great fossil!
The copepods aren't all that difficult to see. It looks as though the murky, greenish water is lightly sprinkled with bright red pepper. Pepper that swims!
I probably should have painted green murk.
Thanks for the comments!
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