Laure sent me a very thought provoking digitally enhansed version of my "Crumpled" (great blue heron). I love it! She could see how swampy Florida habitat lends itself to the crumples, and I have to admit, Oregon has a few thick riprian areas the herons like to stalk around in. The painting on top is Laure's computer enhased version.

... and here my heron after I added more paint. I think it is a much more interesting painting now. The last of my ink was added after I studied where some of the suggested foliage went.
If anyone decides to crumple too, I suggest using rather light-weight watercolor paper. I used medium weight and even after ironing it doesn't lay flat. It looks better scanned than in real life because the scanner doesn't show any shadows.
Wow, the updated version is beautiful, and I loved the first version. Good going to both of you for teaching something new again.
I agree with Teri! Each one is so unique, and I love seeing the different versions.
I LOVE the new version with more paint. I think the digitally enhanced is nice but your newer version is my favorite!
I agree with Teri that both versions are great. But I love your painted version...it is so dramatic. I must try it as well!
...I love your revised version! The deeper colors really set a mood.
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