You are so correct, Laure. I'm way too timid when it comes to light and shadow. Intellectually I know I a light area in shadow is darker than a dark area in light, but I have a tough time doing it.
I pushed the values farther .... and I resolve to do some studies with light and shadow in mind. For some reason I do better with values on a 20 min challenge than I do when I get involved with detail. I want both detail and values!
Alright! Nicely done!! He's much "rounder" now and his legs don't read on the same plane. I also read sunlight up on his back!
Gorgeous piece of work!
As to the 20 minute deal, I have my students set a timer for a specific period of time when we're sketching on "virtual" location. It's amazing how much better the values are when we're working under a deadline! Too much time = too much indecision and too much time to overthink!
I've often told a student, "Paint what you see, not what you know." I know that sandpiper's breast is white. The bizazze of light and shadow helps makes it a work of art. Thank you again, Laure.
I'm so glad you added critiquing!
I'm seeing both renditions at the same time. If I'd seen the first one by itself, first, I would've thought it was wonderful. But the addition of more dark has really enhanced the image beautifully! I can almost smell the water now and the bird looks more...alive! Wonderful critique from Laure and excellent response to that critique by Elva!
Wow Elva, you went from wonderful to perfect with that bit of tweaking!
Whoa! Elva, this just glows! Wonderful color and detail on this Sandpiper!
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