Last night I jumped in with full abandon. I love full moons and thought I was going to miss this one because we tend to drown in rain and clouds at this time of year. Fate was kind and when I said “Goodby” to my guests last night, I looked up and there it was, the “Wolf Moon.’ It was more out of the clouds than in and had soft edges because of the moisture in the air. Good challenge.
Strathmore cold press 140# paper and watercolor
I love this moon Elva. It looks mysterious the way the clouds are partially covering it.
Arn't those serendipitous happens just fun?!
Hi Elva, love the spontaneity of the clouds here!
This is beautiful, Elva! Love the granulation in the dark blue and the soft mingling of all the colors. I'm glad you went for it ; )
So interesting to see your post. This looks like you've captured the view of the moon that I was looking at last night. I had a similar idea last night when I saw an incredible full moon here -- I guess we're under the same moon.... I may still do my idea later tonight...
Hi Claire: Go for it! I painted the moon a month ago too. If I had painted it at 11:59 PM it would have been the rare "Blue Moon", but I didn't get to see it until morning so I guess it didn't even quality as a 'full moon.' It is always THE MOON -- big, little, near, far. Do try to capture it.
This is granulation at its best - suggesting atmospheric effects! Lovely job, Elva.
With regard to Mortimer being a "carefully done painting" - the challenge should be a balanced mix of these, sketches, and studies - plein aire and studio work. Glad to see you're already mixing it up!!
Hello, Elva, I've been away so long, I haven't met you yet! I love, love, love your Wolf Moon. My parents were talking about the Wolf Moon the other night. I had never heard that term before, and now I see your Wolf Moon here! Very cool....
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