I painted this sweet kitty for the "Art Hearts for Haiti" group. The original live model for this one was our cat, Elmer. He is actually a "tuxedo" cat, black and white. He is carrying on without us in Belgium. I had gotten the sketch done, but not his coloring, so I had to improvise with this ginger cat from the neighborhood. There is another picture I did of Elmer, in all his glory, in one of my flickr sets if you'd like to see him : ).
I have never painted an ATC before, but I think I'm a bit hooked ; ). I loved doing the detail and having the limited space to fill. Now, on to #004---I think I'm on a roll : ).
Oh wow Kathy, this is so creatively done!!! I love the hearts that appear and the posture of the cat.
Keep that roll going.
Thanks so much, Teri----I'm going to try ; )!
Kathy, Elmer is adorable! I loved how you worked the heart in there. I love his body language too - so comfy. We all could use a nap like that.
Keep rolling, girl, you're doing great!!
Elmer is a sweet boy!
Thanks guys! I'm rolling, Laure--just trying not to gather too much moss ; )!
...as I slowly work my way through all of the paintings I missed I'm amazed. Kathy....I love your kitty!!!! I have a special fondness for kitties and you've totally captured a personality here. I love your little heart too. I can't believe you were able to capture so much on such a tiny card!
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