I fought demons painting this one. It is on Arches 140# hot press. I thought that would be a good choice for delicate detail and one etheral wash behind him. The 'etheral wash' immediatly dried into hard lines .... 'flowers'? At least it is good paper so I scrubbed, added more layers and went with a darker background. It is nice paper for detail.
At least he is a cheery reminder of the Christmas season. I had to pretend we have a little snow around here to spice things up.
Chickadees are my favorite bird of the winter birds. They are such bright little birds.
You have captured them perfectly.
Enjoy your Holiday and a blessed New Year
Mary Ann
...it looks perfect to me. I assumed you added the dark areas in on purpose. They look like leaves. The little Chiggy is as sweet as can be.
I have been away, so not keeping up with comments- but just wanted to say this is incredible! Beautiful and I love the background!
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