I grew up associating bison with wide open prairies. Much to my suprise I later learned that there is another group of bison that live in the high country; now they found mostly in Yellowstone. They are a little smaller and darker than the prairie bison. When the prairie bison were nearly extermined, a small group of these mountain bison survived. They too like the open areas of Yellowstone, but also make use of the areas of patchy forest. This one is heading into the fringe of lodgepoles as a storm approaches.
I intended to sprinkle snowflakes onto the painting, but when I reached this stage I changed my mind. Critique is welcome!
Painted on 300 # cold press Arches ... a lovely paper, but I have to admit I am more familiar with lighter weight paper and realize certain adjustments need to be made on the heavier paper. I don't think it takes detail as well as some, but if one wants to work on a damp surface for awhile, it is great. I like how the paint goes onto the paper. Takes miskit well, but paint does not lift well.
Geesh Elva, every time you paint a new one it becomes my favorite! There is so much to enjoy in this one.
Ooooohhh...so cool. I didn't know Bison took to the forest either. With all those huge bodies roaming around, I bet they make the forest a little more "patchy" after having been there! I love all the snow......as is, but now that you mention adding in snowflakes, hmmm...that sounds interesting.
You amaze me! Hauntingly lovely. Simply stunning!
I love how he is heading into the hazy unknown- you handled the background so well!
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