The 100 Paintings In a Year Challenge is intended for artists that are dedicated to the growth and development of their style as well as their artistic voice. The challenge also provides a means for overcoming areas in need of improvement.
The paintings should be a mix of small, medium and large pieces, some sketches, plein aire, and studio work; work from life as well as from photos. The variety is meant to push the artist out of any rut, to provide ample opportunity to create no matter what other time obligations are going on, and to challenge the artist if they do not create in one of these categories. The work can be done in any medium, but it is strongly advised that the artist consider choosing one medium in which to do the Challenge as this will help facilitate faster growth than trying to master multiple mediums.
DO NOT JUDGE the artwork! When a piece is complete, set it aside and move to the next piece of work. Learning to suspend judgement of our work is a major step forward in the development our skills.
Once committed, the expectation is that the artist will fully participate in the blog by posting on a regular basis as well as leaving encouraging comments of others' artwork through comments.
The challenge may be started at any time.
Congratulations Kelly! Bravo!
I especially like this tree sparrow .... a perky little fellow.
Here are some comments on photographing paintings, which I have done a lot of for myself and others:
I usually take my paintings outside to photograph. I prefer a very light overcast day, but with digital I can compensate for darker days. Watercolors with white paper are the hardest. Many a time I have spread a white sheet on a sunny day and put the painting underneath this white canopy. It is worth the effort when you need a really good photograph of a painting. White paper glares in the sunlight and textured paint catches bits of light. ..... or you can buy the right kind of lights and do a professional job indoors.
...thanks, Elva! I like the sheet idea. I wonder if outside on the north side of the house...in the shade might be good? The fact that the thick yellow paint was still very wet didn't help matters, either. I can see it will take a lot of practice.
You can photo in the shade if you know how to change the white balance .. either on your camera or with something decent imaging software ... otherwise the painting will probably look cold.
What a wonderful picture to complete your challenge! Congratulations Kelly! I have really enjoyed seeing your pictures.
CONGRATULATIONS KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great feeling of accomplishment this is.
Your birds are all so beautiful!!!!
Welcome to the Alumni club.
I wanted to stop by and say congrats when you reached 100, but when I saw the actual 100th painting, it just blew me away! Wow! I love how you combined an abstract background with a realistic bird and took this painting to another level. What a great way to end the year and your challenge!
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