When I was in Yellowstone this spring I mentioned the 100 Paintings Challenge to a kindred spirit, Judy Norris. I was hoping she might join. She didn’t, but much to my surprise I recently found out she is quietly doing it on her own! She has painted nearly 70 paintings since April! I wish all the more that she had joined officially, but I salute her for staying motivated on her own. We e-mail back and forth occasionally and I get to see some of her work at http://www.pbase.com:80/greatbear/judys_paintings_2010
I’m writing about Judy because I mentioned something about different papers. She immediately realized she wanted to know more about the special properties of watercolor paper and proceeded to paint a series of paintings on every watercolor paper she had at home – nine types. I know each artist has different goals and different techniques and there is no one perfect paper, but that is all the more reason we need to try a variety and see what works for each of us. I always appreciate it when a fellow artist comments on paper…. or paint … or…or
Judy surprised me by sending me an envelope full of paper samples. As I paint on them I plan to mention the type of paper. It won’t necessarily be the next nine posts, but I should be able to work them all in by the time I finish the challenge . I’ll try to remember to add a comment or two about each paper I use as I finish the challenge. I’ve already posted one and this post has the second. My goal when I started the challenge was to experiment … so this fits right in!
My post #82: Lonesome George is the first. It is painted on Canson140# cold press XL series. A very smooth paper, on which I can get reasonably good detail. I was struck by how easily one can lift paint off. I didn’t use miskit on the painting, but I tested it on an edge and feel it will take it just fine.
This painting, post #83, is done on Strathmore’s 400 Series 140# Cold Press …. One of my favorites for little paintings. It takes washes well, has some texture, and allows me a fair amount of detail. In this painting I used watercolor with a fair amount of opaque white. I wanted one of those dreary wintery days when there is quite a bit of moisture in the air.
...a beautiful snow painting of a beautiful eagle! I'll watch for you paper reviews. I've always used really nice watercolor paper (asking for it for Christmas, and birthdays, etc.), so I never strayed from one brand. When I painted on a lot of the little ATC sample decks, I found out quickly what a difference poor watercolor paper makes! I'm going to start experimenting on different types of paper now too. Congrats to your friend!! Glad she is doing the challenge. I've tried so many new things this year because of it.
This is beautiful, Elva! I love the mood with the pale colors- definitely wintery! I also love your choice of paper, it is one of my favorites!
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