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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Painting #64 - Strawberry Story

We picked about 10 pounds of strawberries the other day and I wanted to make a story board of the experience.  I would do it different next time but it was a fun day and a fun way to remember that day and all those yummy strawberries.

I used this illustration for Six-Word Saturday also.
Picking strawberries is such delicious work.


Elva Paulson said...

This makes my mouth water! But where are the mosquitoes?

Teri said...

NO mosquitos in sight Elva, actually not this year at all. Having so much sand around us we rarely are bothered. Flies, ants and wasps on the other hand can be quite the nuisance.

Laure Ferlita said...

Now, this looks like a fun day! Were your hands stained red?!